Some of the most successful diversification enterprises include tourism enterprises such as glamping pods and camping, cafes and farm shops, and conversion of buildings for holiday lets. Eco tourism or the growing of biomass fuel may also be options. Adding value to the products you already produce can be profitable, such as direct meat or egg sales and utilising skins and wool. Some diversification enterprises require a significant financial input up front, though there are some grants and funding available from local and national organisations (see below).

If you would like to explore diversification opportunities, speak to a local land agent or adviser, or contact your local farmer network group.

See who is providing free farm business advice in Cumbria: Organisations giving free advice in your area (listed by county) –

The Adding Value grant is currently closed but may reopen again in 2023.

See also: Farming in Protected Landscapes, Woodland Grants, and the Farm Business section.